Friday, August 31, 2012


By Donna Franklin

Hidden in secret places,
where only God can see,
The killer sin lies silent,
destroying humility.
Lurking in the shadows,
rebellion and self-will
Crouch and plot destruction
as haughty spirits thrill.
Hearts filled with pride,
Eyes full of lust,
and imaginations vain.
Pride grows when fed on boasting,
Giving only self all praise.
The "I" gets ever bigger;
God's no longer in their ways.
The answer? If His people,
Those called by Jesus' Name,
Will humble themselves, pray, repent,
faces covered with shame;
God's promised He will hear,
and restore our land again.
Editor's Note: Donna Franklin writes as the Spirit moves on her. Author of a number of poems and articles, she is a faithful saint in the Paoli United Pentecostal Church (Paoli, Oklahoma - Pastor Terry Erwin).

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