Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Message to a Lukewarm Church

By Pastor Ken Foreman

Text: Revelation 3:14-22

Most everyone in the United States of American can remember where they were and what they were doing when "9/11" happened. Moments that change history have the ability to indelibly imprint themselves in our minds and hearts. We were all violently and rudely awakened to the need to be prepared. In the days following, everyone was calling for and talking about prayer. The urgency of the crisis, refocused many minds God-ward, but as is so often the case - when the pressure eased, prayer returned to closet , out of sight, out of sound, and out of mind. Preachers of all denominations hastened to assure their congregations that God was still in charge and He would protect the nation because we were founded on trust in Him.

In many ways, the U.S. can be likened to the church in Laodicea. Lukewarm, neither cold not hot, the church in Laodicea was on the fence. God wanted them to decide, which side they were on. This isn't the first time God has pressured men to make a choice.

  • Moses called Israel to make a choice between blessings and cursings
  • Joshua cried, "Choose ye this day whom you will serve!"
  • Elijah cried, "How long halt ye between two opinions?"
  • Joel declared, "Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision."
  • Regarding Laodicea, God said, "I would that you were either cold or hot - because you're neither I will spue you out of My mouth."
The signs of a lukewarm church...

  1. Prayerlessness (no communication)
  2. Unstirred/Uninterested (God's Word transforms!)
  3. Disobedient
  4. Forgetful hearers
  5. Bored
  6. Don't care about the lost
  7. Don't attend church regularly
  8. Dull - Don't hear or heed warnings
The good news is, "I counsel thee..." God warns anyway, giving the lukewarm a chance to get it right. His desire is to heal, to restore, to reconcile.

The way to heat up the lukewarm - "Buy gold tried in the fire."  Step one is repentance - the opportunity to turn the tide before it's too late. Baptism in Jesus' Name washes away sin, and the infilling of the Holy Ghost, brings the power to become an overcomer! Overcomers are not lukewarm!

Any Time, Any Where, Any Place...

By Joyce Stclair

Not long ago, I was so impressed as an eye witness to God's love for just one of His own, that I decided to share the experience...

One day, I got a pop-up memory of someone I love very much, but have not seen or talked to in over thirty years. I spent the next two days trying to brush off the feeling, but it just intensified. Why did she come to my mind so strong when I had not thought of her in so many years? I made a call and learned she was in the hospital and was not expected to live. In that moment I knew the two days I had ignored God's quiet voice could have cost me more than I was able to bear. God in His master plan had given notice to one child of another's need.

My husband agreed to give me a ride the next morning to the hospital. I got up with both sadness and joy that I might see what I believe to be one of the most important people of my lifetime. My husband was ready and still waiting on me to get dressed. Next, a second strange thing took place. I stood in that closet so long that my husband grew impatient with me. (In a typical day, it's usually the other way around.) He stood in the doorway and asked, "What is the problem? Do you realize you have been in here for more than a half hour? You may not get here on time, it's more than an hour's ride to the hospital."

With every word he spoke a tear would fall. I knew he was right, but every single dress hanging in that closet just would not do. I cannot even explain why. My fingers thumbed back and forth through every piece, each time stopping on a red dress with no sleeves. I would say, "That's crazy - you can't wear that - it's the middle of the winter and 20 degrees outside." Why would fifteen other dresses not work? I'd never had a problem picking a dress off the rack before.

With frustration, I told the Lord my husband was getting angry and I'm wasting precious time - help me, Lord. I turned again toward the rack and let the Lord answer my problem, thumbing one more time across the rack. Guess what dress I stopped on? You guessed it - the red dress! I never would have worn it of my own will. I was going to freeze because it was the Lord's will, if I heard Him correctly. Once again, if I would have listened to His still, small voice the first time I stopped on the red dress, I would have been out of the closet and would have arrived at the hospital thirty minutes sooner. Seeing my husband's impatience, I found the longest furry coat that wrapped all the way around in an attempt to stay warm, and we left.

The family was present and had been there for three or four days. We had never met before, so we spoke for a moment about who I was, and how I knew their mother. They had only known of my name because their mother had frequently mentioned a child that she loved and continued to pray for. Glad to finally put a face to a name, she said, "Mother always called you by my name." (We share the same name.) "Yesterday, Mother said she did not want anyone to cry at her funeral and she wanted everyone to wear red.

I thought my spirit would jump right out of me. I sprang up from my chair and flung my coat open to reveal my red dress. My husband stood over in the corner with his mouth open in silence, knowing what we both went through to get me in it. Her family was speechless. They said, "There is no way you could have known because Grandma just said it yesterday." But God heard it. In granting her wish, He set before the unbelieving present, His love for His own.

Her daughter told me her mother had stopped speaking just the day before and had not been responding to anything today. She said they felt she was waiting for something, but they didn't know what. I asked if she wanted us to find her brother, but knew that was not what it was. So I spoke up and said, "She is waiting for me." I hadn't thought of that until right then. She wanted to see me one more time to assure herself that the child she never let go of was now safe in God's hands.

For much of the time we've been apart, I was a backslider. Two years before this, I gave my life back to God. Her daughter, Joyce, and the family left the room to give her mother and I some alone time.

She looked so small and weak. Her face was raised to the heavens with her eyes closed. I laid my face close against hers and whispered in her ear that I had arrived as God told her, and "Thank you for your love and prayers that spanned fifty years. They've brought me back to the Lord. You are leaving me in His arms and I will see you again soon."

I felt a need to know that she knew I was there. When I stopped speaking, I felt her whole body react. It's hard to explain how she responded in words. It was as if she suddenly took a deep breath with excitement. She did not open her eyes, but I know she knew I was there. I said then, "You can go home now." That moment brought a peace that helped carry me through the sorrow of our loss.

This wonderful lady was my Sunday School teacher for all of my very young years in church. I can still hear her tell my favorite story of Zaccheus in the tree as if it were yesterday.

God bless the Sunday School teacher who trains up a child in the way of the Lord. Their arms embrace with comfort. Their prayers help keep you from harm. Their love endures for ever and they hand you over into God's arms. Well, that's the way it was with this special teacher. God fulfilled her prayers while she yet lived to know it. It was a close one, but God made it on time, and that is His promise, isn't it?

God bless the prayer warrior who prays for others. Those prayers may be the only thing standing between a soul and damnation. If I were to sum up my relationship with my Sunday School teacher, it would be this: Til death do us part. I was told she died within hours after I left. Her work was done. She fought a good fight, ran a good race, and was now ready to receive her crown of glory.

God made quite an impression on all that were present that day. Listen for the quiet, still, small voice of the Lord who directs all the steps of the righteous man or woman. What a conversation she and I could have had if I had listened sooner.

Author's note: I used no names in this testimony on purpose because God has never been a respecter of persons. We are all merely vessels. We do not draw our wisdom from people, but from the events as they occur; for in them is the power of God.

For My Good; For His Glory

By Keila Fischer

You know when you get a song stuck in your head? Not for a day, week or even a month but for over a year? The song, "For My Good, For His Glory" has been all over me for well past that time. I've spoken to sisters in the church thinking he wanted us to sing it. But here in the midnight hour the revelation has come from my sweet Savior. It is about me. There are times on this walk with Him that I will start to wander. Like the the story of the one sheep He left the ninety and nine to find.

Wandering is not just church hopping or backsliding, it can be many different things... personal things just between you and God. Lately, I have had so much time to spend in prayer, the Word, and in taking the time to really listen to people and share my heart.

For reasons known only to the Lord I seem to like to wander. One of my favorite pastimes is to take long walks with my dogs. No headphones, no cellphone, no one but God, the dogs, and me wandering to the next interesting beautiful spot. However, when it comes to my relationship with God and His people, wandering is very dangerous for me. Oh, life happens. People die, children grow, good friends leave the Lord, life gets busy, and many distractions come our way. Taking the time to be still, to stay focused, stop wandering, and set a goal once in while - these are things this saint needs to work on. 

Taking the time and effort to show love to the people and the thing that is the most precious to me. I woke up this evening knowing that all the set backs, all the pain; it's ALL for my good, it's ALL for His glory. 

I asked the Lord, "Does it really take all of this suffering to get my attention?"

His reply? "I suffered it all for you Keila, so you would be free indeed, (John 8:36), so you would always

triumph in Me, (II Corinthians.2:14) You may have afflictions, but I will deliver you out of them all. (Psalm 34:19). It is for your good because you are My glory.

The Word

By Carol Warfield

So many people ask me, "Why do you read the Bible so much? Most of the time they're people who really don't know God in His truth. As I consider this question, I've asked myself, "Why do you?" For one thing, God wants us to be saved, healthy, and wise. These only come when we live by His Word, which has the answer to our every need.

God gave us His Word to read. It will make one wise. It will direct us into the right path. He also tells us to speak the Word in truth without deception. (Zechariah 8:16) This starts with believing that He is. (Hebrews 11:6) When we believe, then we can act upon HisWord.

Through reading the Word, we learn to trust the Lord. (Deuteronomy 31:13) We learn His statutes and to do well. His Word teaches us to learn of Him, (Matthew 11:29) also to maintain good works. (Titus 3:14)

Satan wants to take us into the wilderness so he can deceive us, but God used the Word to whip the devil.

As we try to sow the seed, which is the Word of God, we must keep in mind that no matter what the seed is, it's very important where we plant the seed. The devil is subtle, more than any beast of the field. (Genesis 3:1) He has a plan, but so does God! We need to have a plan also. Stand on the Word of God, for He honors His Word. My mother taught me early in life that the Word will stand when the world is on fire. I thought of this when our mobile home burnt in the mid-70's. The Bible, which was on my living room coffee table, did not burn, but was black with smoke.

Jesus said, "I am the bread of life." (John 6:35) He also said, "The words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are life." (John 6:48) The Lord's Prayer says, "Give us this day our daily bread." (Matthew 6:11) Just as our human body needs food every day, it is also needful to feed our spiritual body with the Bread of Life.

There's much to be said concerning the Word of God and time will not allow me to tell it all. But it's in there, right in the Word of God for everyone to read.

Be sure of this: there is no problem that cannot be answered if you get into His Word. When we seek God, believe, trust, and wait on His timing, the answer will come. I'm learning more each time I read the Bible through and I'm very thankful that God placed a "Helper" in my heart - His Holy Spirit, which will lead and guide us into all truth. I want to know Him better so I can please Him more.

We must... 1.) Read the Word, 2.) Believe the Word, 3.) Quote the Word, 4.) Speak the Word, 5.) Ac t upon the Word, 6.) Trust the Word, 7.) Obey the Word, and, 8.) Apply the Word to our lives each day.

Be sure, God's Word never fails and God will have the last say. You can stand on it!

Wife of a Bandit - A Testimony

By Jill Friedman

My husband was unsaved, but he would say... "I'm coming; you can't change a bandit overnight." (but God can!)

For years, my husband would hum verses and choruses to old gospel songs he did not know. I started to notice what they were... "An Old Account Settled" was one, another was "Marching to Zion" (like our choir used to sing when I was a child). He also would whistle "I Remember When My Burdens Rolled Away." Hearing these gave me hope down through the years.

Then one Saturday, after 34 years of marriage, I was thinking of buying something at the store and felt a check in my Spirit - so I did not go.

My husband came home heavily burdened like never before. He felt that if he did not act, something horrible would happen. Feeling deep grief and heavy conviction, he didn't know how to rid himself of it, or what it was. He tried to talk to his mother - that did not help. Then he talked to me and I encouraged him to talk to Pastor and come to church.

When he came that Sunday morning, he was desperate, crying and repenting. He returned for the evening service and felt he had to be baptized in Jesus, Name that night to get relief from the weight bearing down on him. He didn't want to wait until the following Sunday for Bro. Grisham to get back into town - felt he had to deal with this right away. So, he was baptized immediately and has faithfully attended ever since (eight years now). His joy over being forgiven was great - so was his worship. He didn't know many of the choruses we sing, so he would whistle along. As he did, his face reflected the gladness in his heart. 

About a year later, he was still seeking the Holy Ghost, we went to Michigan Camp Meeting. I would get to the tabernacle early to save a front row seat, waiting and lifting my hands in worship as people entered for service. On the second to last night of camp, Bro. Lee Stoneking prayed for my husband. However, he did not receive the Holy Ghost that night. The next night, the last night of camp,my Jewish husband received the Holy Ghost in a miraculous way, speaking like a warrior or an Old Testament prophet in a very unusual dialect I had never heard before. Since then, he has been used many times by the Lord in witnessing to his Jewish friends and relatives. Seeds are being planted - God will give the increase. 

Never give up! God is able! "This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes!"

P.S. The next song God gave him was, "Bringing in the Sheaves!" Hallelujah!

Giving Thanks

By Donna Franklin

Text: “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (I Thessalonians 5:18)

Did your upbringing include saying, “Thank you” for all the ways others did nice things for you? If so, you were considered polite, folks felt good about you, and as a result more good things came your way. We don’t give to others in order to receive thanks; but if there’s no acknowledgement, the desire to keep giving is lessened somewhat and eventually dries up.

If we humans expect to receive thanks for blessing others - and actually look forward to it - how much more should God expect each of us to recognize all His wonderful blessings by giving of thanks? And the Scripture above tells us that not giving thanks means we are out of His will…Wow! 

Does God respond to our acknowledgement of what He gives us? Sure! One example is found in the Old Testament concerning the paying of tithes and offerings. Even though the required 10 percent belongs to the Lord to begin with, He promises to reward the faithful: "...and prove Me now herewith, saith the LORD if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” (Malachi 3:10)

Our first national holiday and feast - Thanksgiving - was instituted as a time of offering thanks for the bountiful way the Lord God Almighty helped His people. How much more are we, 400 years later, blessed by His goodness and mercy! As we celebrate this month, let’s keep an attitude of thanksgiving and look for ways to show our appreciation to God and to others. We have so much to be thankful for!   

Editor's Note: Donna Franklin and her husband attend the United Pentecostal Church in Paoli, Oklahoma - Pastor Terry Erwin. She loves the writing ministry and  has written many articles and poems. 

The Benefits of True Repentance...

By Marjorie Kinnee

Text: Hosea 14:4-8; John 15:1-5
Key Verse: Matthew 4:17 - "From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand."

Repentance is both a mercy and a privilege extended to mankind because of the grace of God  Every other part of man's relationship with God hinges on this essential first step. Repentance is taught in both the Old and New Testaments. David's Psalm of repentance (Psalm 51) has become a model prayer. Job 33:26-30 provides a clear definition of what true repentance entails. Every Old Testament prophet issued calls for repentance, and both John the Baptist and Jesus inaugurated their ministries with "Repent ye!"

But repentance is more than just acknowledging our sin and asking for forgiveness. Repentance leads us to cleansing and clearing and making things right with those we have sinned against - including and especially God! Once man's heart is reconciled with God, he begins to understand the benefits associated with a right standing in the eyes of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Hosea provides a list of them...

  1. I will heal their backsliding.
  2. I will love them freely.
  3. My anger [against their sin] is turned away. 
  4. I will be as the dew.
  5. He [the repentant one] shall grow as the lily,
  6. and cast forth his roots.
  7. His branches shall spread.
  8. His beauty shall be as the olive tree.
  9. His smell as Lebanon [cedar trees].
  10. They that dwell under his shadow shall return [extends to repentant's sphere of influence].
  11. They shall revive as corn,
  12. and grow as the vine.
  13. The scent thereof shall be as the wine of Lebanon [which has great drawing power].
  14. All this comes at Jesus' expense! He said, "From Me is thy fruit found!" (John 15:1-5).
The old song says, "Oh, what peace we often forfeit! Oh, what needless pain we bear! All because we do not carry - everything to God in prayer." He bore our sins in His body on the cross of Calvary. The price for our peace has already been paid. The benefits of true repentance are so great that it makes no sense to continue in sin any longer. Jesus said, "Behold I stand at the door and knock." Open the door of your heart to Him today!