By Mark A. Grisham
Text: Exodus 16:4 - "Then said the LORD unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in My law, or no."
Israel was captive in Egypt 400 years. God delivered them and made them into a mobile people who lived in tents. God's blessing (favor) was upon them. They had cattle, goats, sheep and clothing and shoes that didn't wear out. His supply was inexhaustible. "Manna" rained down from heaven on them every day. Morning by morning... "Take what you need!"
On the sixth day, for the Sabbath, a double portion (two-day's worth) was provided. "Take what you need!"
"Manna" was just outside their tent door - within their arm's reach!
Imagine! Two million plus people received what they "needed" (each one of them) every day of every year for forty years.
Yet after ten generations they'd lost their identity and had taken on Egypt-ness. They'd been delivered from Egypt but Egypt was still inside them. Now they longed for what they'd gotten used to while God was raining His favor on them.
You need to know that His promise (and favor) is strong enough to stand on. "Take what you need!" That should build up your "most holy faith." You can retrieve the promises of God. His blessings are available at your tent door. "Take what you need!"
Editor's Note: Sermon notes from a message preached at New Life by Bro. Mark Grisham. An evangelist, he and his wife live in Houston, Texas.
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