Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Patience Until...

By Marjorie Kinnee

Text: James 5:6-7 - Be ye patient therefore, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.

As we proceed through this year of "Sowing and Reaping," the theme for July is "patience." Pastor Foreman has taught several excellent lessons concerning the nature of and the need for patience. Each one has been a blessing and an eye-opener; we have benefitted from the Word of the Lord.

Life brings a multitude of situations in which one must go through. Although we'd like to go around, go over or under, or in some way escape it, we come to the understanding that there is nothing else to do but go directly through. As the game says, "Do not pass go, do not collect $200,00."

"...Patience works experience..." and, "Let patience have her perfect work" become like a mantra. Yet we find ourselves saying with the prophet, "How long, O Lord?"

What if God says that about us? We know that during His earthly ministry, Jesus had several "How long...?" moments. We know He became frustrated with the complaints and rebelliousness of the children of Israel, both in the wilderness and in their continual backslidings as they dwelt in the promised land. Obviously, the spiritual obliviousness of the disciples tried His patience. Yet, His Word tells us He is longsuffering, that He is in the business of transforming us into His image, and that this process takes time and much patience on His part. Is it any wonder then, that we too need a healthy dose of patience?

James telling us to be patient until... He says it twice: until "the coming of the Lord." Giving the example of the farmer who prepares the ground, sows the seed, adds the fertilizer, pulls the weeds, but has to wait until the process is complete before he can harvest the fruit of his labors, James leaves no doubt. Yes, there's much work involved, but nothing is finished until the wait is over.

We've long referred to the Rapture of the church as "the coming of the Lord" and there are numerous Scriptural reasons for that thinking. Moreover, all the waiting will come to perfection when the Lord ushers His Bride into His presence forever. But... there appears to be more than the Rapture involved here, much more...

Any time the Lord Himself comes into your situation, it is the coming of the Lord. Salvation, healing, deliverance, intervention, wisdom, understanding, godly counsel, and even death are all evidences that the Lord has come. Isaiah 61:1-3 speaks of the kinds of situations which bring about the coming of the Lord. Psalm 23 abounds with pictures of the trust and patience needed when the Lord is your Shepherd... "maketh me lie down, leadeth me, restoreth, with me, comfort me, prepares a table, anointest my head, goodness and mercy follow me, I will dwell." All these are indications of the need to be patient. We have heard of the patience of Job, he said, "...all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come." (Job 14:14) 

In the process of time... If God can wait for the early and latter rain to be complete before catching His beloved Bride away unto Himself; then hold on, settle yourself. "...When that which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away." (I Corinthians 13:10)

"Behold, the coming of the Lord draweth nigh!"

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