There was a Man named Jesus, you see,
He was born to save you and me;
Born of a virgin, begotten of the Spirit,
Everyone who has an ear should want to hear it.
We were made in His image,
But through sin we were blemished;
Nevertheless, He had a plan,
To redeem sinful man.
He went about healing the blind, halt, and lame,
His love and compassion soon gained great fame;
They came from the north, south, east, and west,
He delivered them all from all their tests.
He that has an ear – listen and hear.
Opposing forces came against this Man,
But for the love of people He took a stand;
He defeated the devil on every hand,
And took the punishment of sinful man.
For the joy set before Him, He endured the cross,
So that mankind would not have to be lost;
When life to you seems dark and grim,
Take up your cross and follow Him.
Wherever He leads, be willing to follow,
And your life will never be hollow;
Your void He will fill,
Give new life, He will.
He that has an ear – listen and hear.
Repentance of sin is where you begin,
Baptism in His Name is the next step to claim;
He promised to give you the Holy Ghost,
You will be filled to the uttermost.
In another tongue, you will speak,
When it is Him wholeheartedly you seek.
He that has an ear – listen and
To give your life to Him is very smart,
Righteousness to you He will impart;
A broken and contrite heart He will in no wise cast aside,
But is faithful to complete the work He began inside.
No longer a slave to sin,
You will have peace within;
Every time you kneel,
He will begin to heal.
All the hurts of the past,
Will be gone at last.
Read your Bible and you will find,
How to be like Him – so good, so kind;
He is high and holy, yet so meek and lowly,
To be like Him is a process – slowly.
Continue to run this race,
He will guide you at His pace;
For the race is not given to the swift or strong,
But to the ones that endure the whole course long.
He that has an ear – listen and hear!
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