Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Law of Integrity

By Scott A. Phillips

Integrity is defined as the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.

There is a correlation between the Law of Integrity and the Law of Gravity. If you ignore them, they will hurt you. If you work with them, you can fly.

There are absolutes when you use the word, "law." However "Integrity" is as much a spirit as it is an absolute. Some operate within the boundaries of integrity as a lawyer would; but one must truly desire to do what is right and not just the appearance of right. Integrity is judged by God when it may be misunderstood by men. Others can misinterpret the things you do, but integrity is a heart issue.

The first time we find the word integrity in the KJV is interesting. “Said he not unto me, She is my sister? and she, even she herself said, He is my brother: in the integrity of my heart and innocency of my hands have I done this.” (Genesis 20:5) Abimilech was wronged by the lie of Abraham and God warned him. The integrity of his heart is demonstrated in that he did not violate God's warning.

There are times when we will make a decision, but the Holy Ghost will prompt you... It may appear right.. but it's not. No doubt there are many who have a high opinion of themselves, but others have been touched and violated by their lack of integrity. Often a person is found mistreating those who can never hurt them, (they think,) but over compensating everyone they perceive to be above them, or that can help them in some way. This unjust balance is a sad reality.

The Man whom the Lord said was a perfect man said this, “Let me be weighed in an even balance that God may know mine integrity.” (Job 31:6)

Another man who was honored by God for his heart was David. He prayed some pretty heavy words. “The Lord shall judge the people: judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness, and according to mine integrity that is in me." (Psalm 7:8)

Here are a couple of quotes from some friends. I think they're worth sharing...

A life of integrity can be attacked, but can never be defeated. What can the Devil do to a person who won't move? who stands fast? Integrity is not immune to hardships, but it will save you in the end.”
- Jeffery Sanders

Integrity. It's got a little “grit” in the middle. It takes a little grit to do what's right sometimes.”
- Terry W. Long. Sr.

Let me ask you some hard questions...
Are you a person of integrity?
Are you dependable?
Are you steadfast?
Can people trust what you say?
Can they cash your check?
(Not just your monetary check, but also commitments you have made?)

If you are a little shaky when answering these, the Lord is willing to help you if you're willing to pay the high price required of a person of integrity. Integrity is not something God gives you, Integrity is who you decide to be for the principle of its virtue.

Integrity pays long dividends.

The wise man, Solomon, said it this way... “The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.” (Proverbs 20:7)

Editorial Note: Bro. Scott Phillips is pastor of New Birth Church, in Clinton, Mississippi. He and his wife, Becky, have three sons. In addition to his pastorate, he maintains a writing ministry (both books and a blogsite).

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